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Becoming Healing-Centered: Individuals

After learning about PACEs Science, most people ask, “What can I do?” The good news is that there are so many steps that we can take to become healing-centered! Action may involve engaging at individual, organizational, community, or policy levels.

Talking about Grief

Talking about Grief and Dying

Death and grieving are a part of life. These resources can help you talk about and plan for it.




  • Dying KindlyA podcast episode for those who are going to die someday and to prepare for those they will leave behind.

  • Dying KindnessPodcast episodes discussing topics that are not always comfortable, but necessary in preparation for our final stages.


  • Death CafeAt a Death Cafe people drink tea, eat cake and discuss death. Our aim is to increase awareness of death to help people make the most of their (finite) lives.

  • Speaking Grief: "Let's get better at grief"Resources, webinars, documentaries for those in grief, supporters of those in grief, professionals, and more. 


PACEs Connection would like to acknowledge Intern Hilary Marine's work in compiling these resources.