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Becoming Healing-Centered: Organizations

After learning about PACEs Science, most people ask, “What can I do?” The good news is that there are so many steps that we can take to become healing-centered! Action may involve engaging at individual, organizational, community, or policy levels.

General S-Z

General Resources S-Z

  • SAMHSA’s Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach, 2014
    This paper from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) responds to and recognizes the impact of trauma on many sectors in behavioral health and beyond. The paper introduces the concept of trauma and offers a framework for how organizations, systems, and service sectors can become trauma-informed. It includes a definition of trauma (the three "E's"), a definition of a trauma-informed approach (the four "R's"), 6 key principles, and 10 implementation domains.
  • SAMHSA’S Concept of Trauma and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach in Youth Settings, 2015
    This four-page SAMHSA document offers a framework designed to be used across service systems that interface with youth.
  • The Sanctuary Institute
    The Sanctuary Institute, a division of ANDRUS in Yonkers, NY provides training and consultation services to the organizations that work with vulnerable adults, children and families with an aim to help an agency’s leaders reclaim a culture of hope and innovation. The Sanctuary Institute’s transformational process requires deep commitment, but rewards participants with powerful and measurable organizational change. This transformational process emerged from a collaborative effort between Dr. Sandra Bloom and ANDRUS.
  • SPACECAT (Suicide, Overdose, and Adverse Childhood Experiences Prevention Capacity Assessment Tool), 2021
    Developed with the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO), this tool can help local, state, and territorial health agencies better understand their capacity to address suicide, overdose, and ACEs.
  • Strategies for Encouraging Staff Wellness in Trauma-Informed Organizations, 2016
    This brief focuses on practical strategies for fostering trauma-informed care. It outlines the impact of chronic work-related stress and provides examples of two organizations (Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers and Stephen and Sandra Sheller 11th Street Family Health Services of Drexel University) that prioritize staff wellness.
  • The Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well-Being, 2022
    We can build workplaces that are engines of well-being, showing workers that they matter, that their work matters, and that they have the workplace resources and support necessary to flourish. This 30-page Surgeon General’s Framework for Workplace Mental Health and Well-Being offers a foundation that workplaces can build upon.
  • Transforming Trauma Podcast, 2020
    The podcast highlights individuals and communities thriving after Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Complex Trauma (C-PTSD). Interviews with NARM Therapists, and other prominent trauma specialists, highlight how the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) fills a missing gap in the current trauma-informed efforts to address the legacy of developmental, relational, cultural and intergenerational trauma. Podcast guests guide listeners through the diverse ways NARM is applied to support individuals, couples, families and communities.
  • Trauma-Informed Care, Implementation Resource Center
    This site curates resources from experts in the field of trauma-informed care across the country and also draws largely from the experiences of health care organizations that participated in Advancing Trauma-Informed Care. This multi-site demonstration, led by CHCS and made possible through support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, sought to identify how trauma-informed approaches can be practically implemented across the health care sector.
  • Trauma-Informed Care Interview Questions
    This is a list of potential interview questions that may be used to identify key trauma-informed qualities in job candidates, including empathy, non-judgment, and collaboration.
  • Trauma Informed Care: Perspectives and Resources, 2014
    Georgetown University National Technical Assistance Center for Children's Mental Health and JBS International offers a video-enhanced resource that supports state and local decision makers, administrators, providers, and youth and family advocates to become more trauma-informed. There are 8 modules with video interviews, issues briefs, and regularly updated annotated resources in each module.
  • Trauma-Informed Innovations in Crisis Services, 2017
    This National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD) webinar series highlights the work of crisis service providers employing a trauma-informed approach. Each webinar focuses on how an agency implements one of the principles from SAMHSA’s Concept and Guidance for a Trauma-Informed Approach.
  • Trauma-Informed Journalism: What It Is, Why It's Important and Tips for Practicing It2022
    Experts and journalists who have researched and worked with trauma survivors say that practicing trauma-informed journalism not only leads to better, more accurate stories, but also helps protect survivors from further harm. This resource is from The Journalist's Resource from the Harvard Kennedy School Shorenstein Center on Media, Politics, and Public Policy.
  • Trauma-Informed Oregon's Roadmap to Trauma-Informed Care for Organizations, 2016
    Despite a clear need for trauma informed care (TIC), it can be challenging to know what to do or where to start. This site has a short video that provides an overview of the tools Trauma Informed Oregon (TIO) has created in order to guide implementation efforts in programs, organizations, and systems: TIC logic model, the Standards of Practice, the Road Map to TIC, and the TIC Screening Tool. There are also resources for organizations.
  • Trauma-Informed Organizational Change Manual, 2019
    In January 2019, the Institute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care (ITTIC) released its Trauma-Informed Organizational Change Manual. The purpose of the manual is to guide organizations and systems in planning for, implementing and sustaining a trauma-informed organizational change. This manual provides a step-by-step guide with tools intended for anyone interested in implementing a trauma-informed approach.
  • Trauma-Informed Philanthropy: A Funder's Resource Guide for Supporting Trauma-Informed Practice in the Delaware Valley, 2016
    Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia, the Thomas Scattergood Behavioral Health Foundation, and United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey partnered to produce this hands-on resource that will help funders understand the science behind trauma, adverse childhood experiences, and resilience; apply trauma-informed principles and practice to their grantmaking; and learn about existing local efforts to implement trauma-informed practice. This guide focuses on the Philadelphia region, but the concepts are transferable.
  • Trauma-Informed Toolkit for Providers in the Field of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, 2017
    This toolkit addresses a number of areas designed to support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) who may have experienced trauma. Included is a guide for direct support professionals and others, background information on the problem of ACEs and the evidence that the problem is magnified in those with IDD, a guidance for trauma-informed behavioral planning, and directions for thinking about personal and agency solutions.
  • Trauma ScreenTIME Course 
    Trauma ScreenTIME is an online training course on how to screen children for trauma. The Child Health and Development Institute of Connecticut (CHDI) developed the training in collaboration with families and national experts based on best practices. The ScreenTIME course provides staff working with children and youth the knowledge to effectively screen children for trauma and connect families with their preferred supports and services to help children recover from trauma exposure. The ScreenTIME course is available at no cost to child-serving professionals. Additionally, continuing education credits are available.
  • Understanding the Effects of Trauma on Health2017
    This fact sheet explores the causes of trauma and its health impact. Opportunities to avoid or reverse the effects of trauma, ways in which health care providers can help patients heal from trauma, and policy changes that can support trauma-informed care are also explored.
  • VetoViolence: Resources for Violence Prevention from the CDC
    The VetoViolence website from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has tools and trainings on violence prevention programs and practice, such as how to address risks shared by different forms of violence or how to effectively build partnerships. Each tool and training will equip you with a unique set of skills that can bolster your work to stop violence before it starts. The site also has links to prevention information on the following topics: child abuse and neglect, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, suicide, youth violence, social norms, and violence prevention fundamentals. The Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences trainings will help you understand, recognize, and prevent ACEs. You’ll learn about risk and protective factors, outcomes associated with ACEs, and evidence-based strategies you can use to reduce or eliminate the impact of ACEs and stop them from occurring in the first place.
  • Zero Abuse Project
    The Zero Abuse Project is committed to transforming institutions in order to effectively prevent, recognize, and respond to child sexual abuse. Our programs are designed to provide cross-disciplinary education and training, advocacy for systemic legal change, guidance for survivor support, and leadership on emerging technologies. We take a holistic approach by also recognizing and addressing the intersecting forms of child maltreatment in connection with child sexual abuse.