This section contains resources developed by PACEs Connection as well as by partners in the positive and adverse childhood experiences (PACEs) movement. It includes information on state and federal legislation, toolkits on how to get involved in advocacy,
Policy and Advocacy Guide:This guide is intended to assist individuals and organizations in becoming effective policy advocates and educators. It provides guidance to help identify and act on policy opportunities that will ultimately prevent and mitigate the Pair of ACEs – adverse childhood experiences that occur in the context of adverse community environments – and build community resilience to help children, families and communities thrive. The Guide is an outgrowth of local and national learning by the BCR team and the states and localities that have participated in the collaborative.
Webinar(May 2018): This webinar reviews and expands on the material contained in the Guide. This webinar covers how to use the free tools and tips in the guide to harness your own expertise about your community and develop policy strategy. Speakers discuss how to engage local and federal governments, how to convey community voice, and how to use data to tell stories.
Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) A Guide to Trauma-Informed Advocacy(December 2017) is designed to provide basic information to help educate elected officials and advocate for legislation to bring federal and state programs into line with the science of trauma and resilience. It provides background on how Congress operates, describes ways to organize for effective advocacy, and sets out a structured approach to educate and influence your congressional delegation. While the focus of this paper is the U.S. Congress, the basic approaches it describes can also be used to impact education and advocacy at the tribal, state, county, and municipal levels.
Futures Without Violence Changing Minds: Preventing and Healing Childhood Trauma State Policy Guide(January 2018) was developed to address how health, education, child welfare, justice, and child development organizations can further the prevention and healing of childhood trauma at the state level. It outlines approaches that can be adapted based on a state’s circumstances and community needs, and addresses the reality that children grow up and develop in the context of their families, communities, and cultures.
National Council for Mental Wellbeing
ThisAdvocacy Handbook(February 2021) includes tips for virtual meetings and site visits. While the handbook is specific to National Council advocacy, it includes information and strategies that can be used by many organizations and initiatives.